FREE WORKSHOP for over-worked women!
Life can be challenging for women, who take care of everything and everyone else first, and themselves last. Our sense of worth can be shaken when we feel like our life is out of control and we have to please everyone, often with little kudos from those we serve. So, how can you make “you” happier? By building more self-respect and creating a deeper connection with the real you.
Learn how to fill your “Me Toolbox” with more tools to help bring you the life you deserve, without the guilt!
Here is what you will gain from this fun and supportive workshop:
• Gain greater awareness of how to fully live your core values
• Learn about the self care that is best for you and your lifestyle
• Discover the energy drains in your life and how to avoid them
Thursday, September 13, 2018
KZST Studios

Sue Bonzell
Your host & facilitator
Sue is a Sonoma County radio personality, successful Realtor® and author of The Respect Experiment. Sue knows that more respect is the secret to unlocking more happiness and contentment and that making some simple changes can create dramatic results. Her insights are spot on, offering straightforward techniques that are easy to manage, yet generate massive change in women’s lives.
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